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Farewell I

Paris, December 2019 


This project page contains two performance videos, painting, volume, etching and photography.

Scroll down to see the evolution of this body of work.

I was lucky enough to cross path with the performer Steven Cohen. We had to improvise a performance (it was to be my first one ever), and then the next day do it again, more developed. I performed right after my grand father's funeral.

This video is the recording of the second time I performed. I called it 'Farewell I' (Premice to another performance called 'Farewell II').

Farewell II

Paris, January 2020 


Paris, January 2020

Final image of the performance Farewell II

After trying to sew flowers on my skin- naturally choosing the blue ones as my heart was sinking ('Farewell I'),

I went in front of the church for 'Farewell II', with a canvas -the size of my grand father's body- on which was painted his eye, ear and mouth. 

On the staircases of this church, I sewed on the canvas, as i had done on my own body, the flowers of warmer color. 

When I laid down next to it, it seemed like there was a transfer of energy between our two bodies. The canvas seemed to get volume, and i felt turned into a painting. 

We were connected.

Paris, January 2020

Remaining of the performance Farewell II

Farewell  anticipations I

Paris, October 2020 

Dry point prints on paper (21x29,7 cm) and photographs (14,8x21cm)

These echings were made before the two performances, when I was dreading my grand-father's death. 

Representing the visible stiching of an opened stuffed animal, or my grand father's veins, the peluche or my grand father's hair, 

it was for me the illustration of an upside down tenderness.







Farewell  anticipations II

Paris, October 2020 

Digital photographs. To see, click on the picture. 


Like 'Farewell Anticipation I', this series of photographs called 'Farewell Anticipation II' was an attempt to cherish each detail of him before too late.

Clinging to a dying memory

Paris, January 2020 

15 oil paintings on canvas (50x63,8 cm)

'Clinging to a dying memory'- or 'Submission and revolt'- is a series of 15 paintings made out of memory, representing a detail of my grand father on his dying bed.

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